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Overlapping lists

I am on all three of theses lists.


Everything posted to any of these lists seems to be cross posted to the 
others.    The result is that I get three of every post to any of these. 

Is there a reason for three separate completely overlapped lists on the 
same topic?  Can we merge them into one list?

If not, can someone enunciate some clear principles for differentiating 
what should be on each list?


S. Alexander Jacobson             Internet                Virtual Office Inc.
alex@virtual.office.com          Consulting          info@virtual.office.com
http://vo.com/people/alex/           **            http://virtual.office.com
1-212-799-2645 voice             Technology        gopher.virtual.office.com
1-212-799-1075 fax                Strategy         telephone: 1-800-TODAY-VO

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